“He that has peace in his soul…”

LAD: May I please have some salad?

MAMA: (surprised) Sure…

DAD: (watching the Lad pick strawberries from the salad) Son, do you want to have peace in your soul?

LAD: (looking quizzically up with his snaggle-toothed smile) Yeah.

DAD: He that has peace in his soul will enjoy the whole salad.


He read about the Parthenon in The Story of the World…

He read about the Parthenon in The Story of the World…

Or, is it, he that enjoys the whole salad will have peace in his soul? The difference is that between the Stoic Sage (Sapiens) and the Christian Saint (Sanctus), I think.

But I don’t suppose that one is very far from the other.

…and built one while I worked on my dissertation at the café.

…and built one while I worked on my dissertation at the café.

Thanks, dear reader, should you ever find me, for falling to the salad with gusto.

About philokalos

Philologist, historian, and lover of great books, I started this blog to keep myself alert to the beauty of what I see amid the demands of my work.
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